Monday 27 February 2017

Les Bords Avant Le Formaté Xibo

Développement de modules Xibo bénéficie d'une architecture modulaire plug-in pour la conception et l'affichage de contenu. Il existe des modules supportés avec le produit, mais ceux-ci peuvent être étendus à tout moment à l'aide de nouveaux modules créés par la communauté. Cette section du manuel couvrira le développement d'un nouveau module Xibo à l'aide du module template du module modulesmoduletemplate. php. Types de modules Xibo divise les modules en deux types différents. Modules spécifiques à une région et Modules non spécifiques à une région. Les modules spécifiques à la région sont le seul type de module pris en charge par l'architecture du plug-in à l'heure actuelle. Modules spécifiques à une région Il s'agit de modules qui existent sur une disposition spécifique et qui ont leur configuration et leurs options d'utilisateur sauvegardées dans le format XLF de la mise en page. Ces modules sont servis au client en HTML et rendus localement à l'aide d'un navigateur interne. Modules spécifiques non régionaux Ces modules existent dans la table multimédia et contiennent des fichiers associés. Ils sont réutilisables dans les mises en page et existent dans la bibliothèque. Le modèle de module Xibo comprend un modèle de module qui est un exemple pleinement commenté d'un module de base. Le modèle se trouve dans le dossier modules de l'installation Xibo. Modulesmoduletemplate. php. Tous les nouveaux développeurs de modules Xibo devraient utiliser ce fichier comme point de départ. Avis de licence Tous les modules Xibo doivent être libérés sous une licence compatible avec l'AGPLv3. Le présent avis de licence, ainsi que toute information sur le droit d'auteur de l'auteur, doivent être placés en haut du fichier et dans tous les fichiers complémentaires. La déclaration de classe et les modules constructeurs sont chargés dynamiquement par le framework et doivent donc adhérer à la convention d'appellation. Le nom du fichier doit être moduletemplate. module. php où moduletemplate est le nom de la classe. La classe doit étendre la classe Module. Le constructeur de la classe doit se conformer à la spécification ci-dessous et doit définir le type de module à être le même que le nom de la classe. Le codeSchemaVersion est utilisé pour mettre à niveau le module en place, si l'auteur publie une nouvelle version, le nombre doit être incrémenté. Installation et mise à jour de chaque module doit avoir un enregistrement dans la table des modules. Cela peut être automatiquement ajouté et modifié à l'aide de la méthode InstallOrUpdate dans la classe. La variable this-gtschemaVersion peut être comparée à this-gtcodeSchemaVersion pour déterminer les actions d'installation ou de mise à jour requises. Ajout et modification d'une mise en page Chaque module doit fournir une méthode pour afficher des formulaires d'édition d'ajout et pour enregistrer le module dans la disposition. Il ya 4 méthodes qui doivent être mises en œuvre pour fournir cette fonctionnalité: L'objet de réponse Tous les formulaires de module dans Xibo sont demandés et rendus via AJAX et un objet d'assistance appelé Response Manager est inclus pour faciliter la communication AJAX. Tout le contenu renvoyé au navigateur se fait via l'objet this-gtresponse. L'objet de réponse est le dernier élément à être renvoyé à partir de l'un des 4 appels ci-dessus. L'objet de réponse peut prendre un certain nombre d'actions une fois la requête terminée, par exemple en chargeant un autre formulaire. Autorisations Lors de l'édition d'un module, les autorisations de l'utilisateur connecté doivent être validées. Utilisation de la classe Thème La classe Thème doit toujours être utilisée pour fournir à l'utilisateur final l'option de Formater votre formulaire. Module Les fichiers thématiques sont stockés dans modulestheme plutôt que dans le dossier themehtml. L'application essaiera toujours de charger un fichier de thème spécifique au modèle avant tout fichier spécifique au module fourni avec le module. Les formulaires transmettent généralement le même ensemble de données de base au fichier de thème pour le rendu. Le fichier modèle est ensuite rendu avec un appel à ce-gtresponse-gthtml Thème :: RenderReturn (mediaformtextadd) Validating Input L'entrée doit être validée à l'aide de la méthode GetParam de la classe Kit. Options d'acquisition et de paramétrage sur le XLF Les données associées à la configuration du module peuvent être définies comme options ou comme contenu brut dans le XLF. Dans la plupart des cas, une option est suffisante. Les options peuvent être récupérées par leur nom. Dans la plupart des cas, la prévisualisation doit être traitée exactement comme le client traiterait l'aperçu. Il existe une méthode auxiliaire pour effectuer les appels de cadre nécessaires. GetResource Lorsqu'il est temps de rendre le contenu sur le client d'affichage, il est de la responsabilité du CMS de télécharger une page HTML entièrement rendue contenant toutes les informations requises pour afficher le module. Modèles HTML Un modèle HTML doit être utilisé comme point de départ pour toutes les sorties du module rendu. Le modèle est exécuté dans isoler sur le client et ne devrait pas compter sur les ressources qui pourraient ne pas être disponibles. Par exemple, des ressources en ligne qui ne seraient pas présentes si le client est en mode hors connexion. Un modèle standard est fourni pour plus de commodité. Le modèle contient des supports de lieu qui doivent être remplacés par la méthode GetResource. Le support de place ViewPortWidth est utilisé par le client au moment de l'exécution. Des bibliothèques de fournisseurs ont été fournies et peuvent être chargées dans le support de lieu JAVASCRIPTCONTENT. Modification de la durée au moment de l'exécution La durée du support en cours d'exécution peut être modifiée au moment de l'exécution sur le client en fournissant une substitution au titulaire de la place CONTROLMETA. Les catastrophes chinoises se sont aggravées depuis la guerre de l'opium de 1839-1942. Le tumulte des boxeurs, conclu par le traité de Xin Chou (c'est-à-dire le protocole Boxer de 1901) le 7 septembre 1901 avec 11 pays (non 8), causerait à la Chine une perte de 450 millions de taels d'argent qui s'élèveraient à 982 millions de taels avec des intérêts Inclus dans les versements pendant 39 ans. Les dommages infligés aux esprits de la Chine sans précédent dans l'histoire, le peuple chinois ont dû subir 39 ans de difficultés et de désastres, seulement pour soutenir une autre série de souffrances pendant l'Invasion japonaise 1937-1945. Au cours de la première moitié du XXe siècle, la Chine a connu des turbulences et des tragédies extraordinaires. Ce n'était plus une guerre entre les jaunes et les blancs comme c'était le cas avant la guerre sino-japonaise de 1895, mais entre les jaunes et les jaunes. Bien que la Chine ait été soulagée des invasions par les puissances occidentales, le Japon, avec la notion d'entrer en Europe en se séparant de l'Asie (Fukuzawa Yukichis datsu a nyuu ou), avait adopté une politique encore plus barbare, colonialiste, militariste et expansionniste, Invasion de Ryukyu, la Corée, la Mandchourie, et la Chine proprement dite, consécutivement. Les Japonais ne se sont jamais rendus compte qu'ils avaient été élevés et utilisés comme un outil depuis Matthew Perrys calendrier, d'abord comme un outil contre la Russie en 1904-5 et ensuite utilisé par les Soviétiques comme un outil contre la Chine. Lorsque les autres nations ont essayé de barrer. Progrès du Japon ou slur. La réputation du Japon, commentée par le comte Hayashi: l'Amérique a toujours défendu. Japon. Americas Stars a annoncé au monde la montée de. Japon Soleil. Les navires de guerre et les avions construits et utilisés contre la Chine en 19312 ont été le produit de vingt années d'alliance militaire entre la Grande-Bretagne et le Japon, suite au soutien américain des entreprises japonaises contre Ryukyu et Taiwan à la fin du 19e siècle. C'était le malheur des centurions pour la Chine de voir que les groupes d'intérêts anglo-américains et les agents russes de la coalition se sont concertés pour subvertir la Chine nationaliste - la tour de balises pour l'indépendance des pays et des peuples asiatiques. Colonisés ou semi-colonisés par l'Occident, L'ambassadeur britannique m'a personnellement suggéré Albert Wedemeyer qu'une Chine forte unifiée serait dangereuse pour le monde et mettrait certainement en danger la position des blancs immédiatement en Extrême-Orient et finalement dans le monde entier. Aujourd'hui, les cabinets japonais, s'accrochant à la notion de victime d'une bombe atomique (victimes de 210 000), refusent toujours de faire des excuses publiques aux pays asiatiques pour leurs crimes de guerre. Y compris le viol infâme de Nankin (victimes numérotées 340.000), le bombardement de fatigue de Chongqing. La guerre des germes, les expériences du cobaye par l'unité 731 et les femmes de confort. Les néo-militaristes japonais ont tenté l'assassinat du maire de Nagasaki en 1990 simplement parce que le maire avait demandé à l'empereur japonais de présenter des excuses pour les crimes de guerre. On croit généralement que les militaires japonais d'aujourd'hui ont formé leurs soldats, c'est-à-dire la force d'autodéfense dans la norme d'un capitaine de l'armée pour la mobilisation militaire possible à l'avenir. Et, le budget militaire annuel de Japans à une époque classé au n ° 2, juste derrière les États-Unis avec des dépenses de l'année 1995 s'élevant à, par exemple. Le Japon, qui a offert 3 à 5 fois plus de contributions des pays européens à la reconstruction irakienne, a refusé de rembourser 30000 coolies chinois qui ont été enlevés au Japon pendant la guerre. Japon, maintenant devenu une force mortelle sous le parapluie américain. N'ont malheureusement pas le souvenir ni de la grâce de la République de Chine ni de l'humiliation d'avoir refusé une reddition décente par les Russes. Malheureusement, la Chine communiste décadente finirait par perdre gravement dans le prochain conflit, dans lequel le Japon serait le plus souvent probablement utilisé comme un outil à nouveau dans une répétition de l'histoire. Certes, les Japonais ont déjà oublié que 560 000 Kwantungs, des colonies, des réserves et des milices japonaises, ont été exilés par Staline à la Sibérie russe pour le travail des coolies, environ la moitié ne rentrant jamais chez eux. (Les Soviétiques russes ont éliminé au moins 30 000 artilleries japonaises et l'armée médicale Kwantung et pas moins de deux divisions ethniques coréennes pour le déploiement par les communistes chinois dans la guerre civile contre le gouvernement nationaliste chinois, sans compter la cavalerie mongole extérieure et 100 000 Des mercenaires coréens entièrement formés envoyés en Chine en 1947, avec environ 60.000-70.000 restes sur le total des effectifs de 250.000 mercenaires coréens par les souvenirs de Kim Il-sungs expédiés en Corée avant la guerre de Corée en juin 1950. Staline et les Russes Derrière chaque pas de Mao Tse-toung et des communistes chinois pour s'assurer qu'aucune paix ne pourrait avoir une chance du jour où le Japon se rendit Staline a compris que toute la génération de braves Chinois pendant la première partie du 20ème siècle était la fleur que la Chine N'a jamais eu dans toute l'histoire de 5000 ans, une force qui doit être détruite de sorte que le régime russe à la domination mondiale pourrait réussir. Non connaissent le sang-froid russe Read in the Katyn Meurtre de 15.000 bureaux polonais, et Stalins projettent de tirer 50.000 Les officiers allemands - dont Roosevelt faisait écho en réduisant à 49 500.) Recitals oral par les soldats japonais et les officiers du 7ème Rentai du 9ème Shidan (en japonais): Comme les soldats et les officiers japonais du 7ème Rentai du 9ème Shidan ont récité, Deux premières semaines de la bataille de Shanghai de 1937, leur Un régiment renforcé) a fait un bilan de 450 morts et 905 blessés parmi les effectifs totaux de 2 566 soldats. Le 9ème Shidan a encouru dans un mois une victime de 10.000 à la bataille de Changhaï. (Retour en 1932, le 7 Rentai a perdu son commandant Hayashi Daihachi à la bataille de Miaohang.) Les Japonais, bien sûr, ne savent pas qu'ils ont été utilisés comme un outil contre la Chine. Travaillant en tant que secrétaire du Premier ministre japonais Konoye Fumimaro comme l'une des cinq confiances du cerveau, Staline espionne Ozaki, comparant le Premier ministre japonais Konoe à Alexander Fyodorovich Kerensky (chef du gouvernement russe de transition de 1917), a voulu transformer le Japon en une relecture de la Révolution soviétique. Quelle brillante a été de frapper deux oiseaux (la Chine et le Japon) avec une pierre Les japonais, la yocho-Chine qui était désespérément appelée zhi-na, ne savent pas encore aujourd'hui qu'ils ont été utilisés pour la Russie en 1904-5 Et ensuite utilisé contre la Chine en 1937. Après avoir dilapidé les troupes de 1er rang du 1er au 20ème Shidans et les troupes de deuxième rang des 100-120th Shidans en Chine, les Japonais ont envoyé les Shidans démoralisés aux tombes de la Guerre du Pacifique, dans la mesure où, Le temps où le Japon se rendit, les soldats de la patrie japonaise de 1-2 millions de nouvelles recrues possédaient les bâtons et les lances de bambou pour la défense, alors que les agents du SovietComintern à l'intérieur du gouvernement japonaismilitary, au nom de déplacer le champ de bataille du duel au continent, Cache des armes en ManchuriaKorea pour le ramassage gratuit par les Soviétiques et les communistes chinois communistes coréens. Les Japonais savent-ils que, comme ce webmaster avait élaboré sur le contexte de l'incident du pont Marco Polo dans les guerres de résistance, la guerre sino-japonaise a résulté de la répétition G. R.U. Y compris les assassinats d'hommes d'affaires et de soldats japonais dans le Yangtsé et la Chine du Sud, le sabotage militaire des chemins de fer japonais, les dépôts d'armes dans la région de Tientsin, en Chine du Nord, et Dairen de Mandchourie. Et comme ce webmaster avait élaboré les batailles et les campagnes dans la section des guerres civiles, la guerre civile chinoise de 1945-1950 utilisant la guerre de Corée comme un point d'arrêt plutôt que la date proclamée par les PRC de la fondation est le dernier duel de la Terre moyenne impliquant des millions de combats À-mort Yellow Men, dont le résultat a été déterminé sur les champs de bataille par a) tactiques militaires et stratégies. B) conspirations politiques et complots. C) manipulations économiques et sabotage. C) perturbations sociétales et coercition. D) alliance internationale et trahisons. Jamais le libre choix du peuple chinois ou du Mandat du Ciel comme John Fairbank et Owen Lattimore et leurs étudiants-sinologues dans les collèges et universités américains voulaient que vous croyiez. La guerre de Corée et la guerre du Vietnam, invariablement, ont été les prolongements de la guerre civile chinoise de 1945-1950. Ce nom de domaine, uglychinese. org. A été enregistré pour la première fois en 1998. Si ce n'est pas pris, quelqu'un d'autre viendra le prendre. (Ugly-chinese. org a été abandonné en préférence pour le nom sans le trait d'union.) Le mot chinois utilisé ici n'est pas dérogatoire, et la plupart des gens seront d'accord que Bai Yang. Un écrivain taiwanais qui a écrit le livre Ugly Chinese ((Ugly Chinaman et la Crise de la Culture chinoise Par: Po-Yang), était un vrai patriote. Notez, Po Yangs surnom devrait être prononcé comme Bai, pas Po ou Bo, et les Anglais Il ya quelques personnes qui ont désapprouvé le nom et le contenu (comme la couverture de la société de caste de la Chine). , Cacher les aspects laids d'une société de caste existante en Chine serait équivalent à porter les beaux vêtements à l'extérieur, mais les doublures sales dessous. Qu'est-ce que la société de castes Chinas comme je dirais que c'est juste un peu mieux que l'apartheid du vieux Sud En Chine, les bébés nés dans la campagne chinoise devaient s'inscrire auprès de leur localité mère et qu'ils n'avaient pas le droit de déménager À la ville, étudier en ville ou travailler en ville. Tous les Américains à qui j'ai parlé ont été choqués d'apprendre cela. Pire que cela serait l'acquiescement des citadins de Chine ainsi que la moquerie aux misères des paysans chinois. Les gens de la ville dire serait, Hey. Ah Xiang avait des maisons plus grandes que nous, les gens de la ville. Si les 160 à 200 millions de chômeurs se contentaient de leur vie heureuse à la campagne, ils ne dormaient pas tous les jours dans la gare de Canton. Pour comprendre la stricte système d'enregistrement de la Chine, il suffit de noter que dans la capitale de Beijing aujourd'hui, une décision distincte est en vigueur, exigeant que tout résident de sexe masculin de Pékin doit subir un test d'ADN pour déterminer la relation père-enfant avant leur enfant avant le mariage pourrait Demander l'enregistrement du ménage dans la municipalité de Beijing. En exposant la nature de la société de caste de la Chine, j'espère que la nature aimable de l'humanité viendra réfléchir sur eux-mêmes et par conséquent prévaloir dans la lutte contre les maux. Ce que je veux ici, c'est la sympathie du public mondial et la conscience des Chinois ethniques quand leurs collègues ou amis s'informent avec eux sur le CASTE de la Chine où les paysans, le groupe majoritaire de Chinois, ont servi de coolies et d'esclaves. Ils ont également servi de pao hui, c'est-à-dire poussière de canon souffle le canon fourrage. (A en juger par le nombre de 100 000 officiers chinois expatriés à la frontière entre la Mandchourie et l'Ussuri en 1958, vous pourriez extrapoler le nombre de soldats de campagne d'origine paysanne déployés et périr sur le champ de bataille coréen. Aussi haut que 700k à 1 million.) Après être à l'étranger pendant si longtemps, je n'ai jamais oublié mes cousins ​​de campagne. Né dans la campagne de Chine et y ayant passé 17 ans, j'ai vu mes cousins ​​asservis, exploités et déprédés par la caste pendant si longtemps. Il y a trop d'histoires tristes à raconter. Par exemple, un de mes cousins ​​a travaillé comme un coolie sur un navire de transport, son rein a échoué à la suite de travaux forcés, il est maintenant aveugle, et sa femme a quitté lui et leur bébé. Il est du même âge que le mien, mais il n'a pas eu le privilège de terminer le collège. Il a un nom, et c'est Yueping. C'est certainement mon droit de raconter l'histoire de la société de caste chinoise au monde. Alors que certains segments des discussions sont politiques, ils ne sont pas destinés à être la propagande de nature politique. La rhétorique politique sera minime et sera abordée dans la section sur la société des castes qui a été écrite pour la première fois en 1997-1998 et qui n'est pas encore terminée. Je me sens coupable de ma procrastination. J'ai d'abord lu à propos de la saga de vente de sang des paysans chinois et de leur éventuellement contracter le sida à la suite d'aiguilles non stérilisées en 1999. En Chine, il y avait et est seulement le don de sang nominal. Le don de sang en Chine est une entreprise, pas un don comme la Croix-Rouge. Le gouvernement a utilisé une sorte de loterie rotative pour forcer les travailleurs à faire un don de sang dans chaque entreprise ou unité de travail. J'ai également eu l'intention de propager la réalité frappante des suicides des femmes paysannes en Chine au moyen de pesticides habituellement appelé Di Di Wei (à savoir, une marque sarcastique ennemi ennemi a peur) et les poisons pour les rats etc Heureusement, l'Organisation mondiale de la santé paie plus Et plus d'attention aux suicides des paysannes en Chine. Comme nous le savons, à travers le monde, les hommes sont plus enclins aux suicides, mais en Chine, les paysannes ont pris la proportion anormalement élevée en raison directe de leur statu quo le plus bas dans la société de castes chinoises. Tant que la discrimination de la Chine contre les paysans existe toujours, ce site sera vivant et coups de pied. Ce n'est que lorsque les Chinois réapproprieront la compassion, le bon cœur, la philanthropie et la conscience que je ferai tomber sur ce site laid. J'ai l'intention à l'origine d'attirer l'attention sur la nature cruelle de la société de castes qui prévaut en Chine aujourd'hui. J'avais apparemment été dépassé par la fierté de mon être un Chinois. Je m'étais déplacé de plus en plus vers une redécouverte de mon identité et de l'histoire chinoise. La culture et l'histoire présentées dans ce site contredit certainement les critiques de Bai Yang dans son livre Ugly Chinaman et la crise de la culture chinoise. Je pourrais comprendre pourquoi Bai Yang a blâmé les échecs de la Chine et la frustration sur le passé impérial de la Chine. En outre, il ya des gens qui ont constamment affirmé que notre nation et notre peuple avait été surchargé par l'histoire. Est-ce vraiment le cas? Quelques gars sages ont souligné que les communistes chinois avaient simplied la langue deux fois au point que aucun chinois ordinaire ne pouvait plus lire la langue chinoise classique, qui était une tentative de couper le présent du passé et les inspirations Le passé l'amènerait. La révolution culturelle balayait déjà tout. La poursuite matérielle d'aujourd'hui à l'intérieur de la Chine n'est certainement pas contenue par aucune éthique. Peu de Chinois possèdent la connaissance astucieuse du passé, et ils oublient le passé, c'est-à-dire l'histoire. On ne parle pas trop d'histoire ou trop de fardeau historique. Tout simplement pas vrai. Des études comparatives de l'histoire chinoise et de l'histoire européenne ont apporté une nouvelle lumière sur la cause fondamentale de l'origine et du maintien de la nature de la civilisation chinoise. La Chine n'aurait pas été la Chine s'il n'y avait pas le genre de moralité, la compassion et la justice comme exposé par Confucius et Mencius. Jetez un oeil sur le monde autour, seulement la Chine et l'Empire ottoman avait été capable de résister à la puissance de feu des puissances européennes. L'Australie, les continents américains, ou ailleurs, les gens ont tout simplement tombé dans le sillage des avancées européennes. Une fois que nous nous refroidirons, nous serions surpris de constater que l'idée de révolution (un mot cité par Confucius pour la révolution de Cheng-Tang) était directement responsable de la dernière Révolution française en Europe. Le professeur Lock Hoe avait commenté que les changements et les révolutions dynastiques de la Chine (comme on le voit dans le proverbe Tous les 50 ans, un cycle en Cathay) avaient servi de guide éclairant pour les jésuites qui ont visité la Chine aux 16e et 17e siècles. Les jésuites qui ont propagé les idées égalitaires et révolutionnaires qui ont mené à la conclusion que les maisons royales françaises ou britanniques pourraient être renversées par une révolution. Confucius a d'abord décrit le remplacement Shang Tang de la première dynastie chinoise de Xia comme une révolution. Le Dr. Sun Ya-tsen a cité le concept de révolution en demandant un renversement de la règle de Manchu à la fin du 19ème siècle. Les thèmes principaux de mes discussions seront les substitutions dynastiques ainsi que les interactions raciales et ethniques. Les origines des Chinois sont examinées dans la section préhistorique, le concept du Mandat du Ciel sera examiné pour la validité et la base de pouvoir des empereurs et des dirigeants chinois. Les interactions ethniques seront couvertes dans les Huns, les Turcs et les Mongols, etc., et la montée et la chute des pouvoirs dynastiques seront détaillées dans les sections sur les grandes dynasties. Dans la mesure du possible, je relais les commentaires et les idées des anciens saints (comme Confucius et Sima Qian) ainsi que ceux des érudits contemporains. Par exemple, Sima Qian a commenté que la dynastie Qin pouvait vaincre ses rivaux et unir la Chine en raison de ses capacités de réforme et de changement, et cela s'applique aussi à la Chine d'aujourd'hui. Le pouvoir impérial de la Chine sera examiné et l'équilibre des pouvoirs entre les empereurs et les ministres sera touché. L'historien Tang Degang a souligné que les anciens Chinois avaient utilisé le mandat du ciel comme une arme à deux arêtes, c'est-à-dire la légalisation de l'héritage du droit à la décision du mandat divin des Cieux ainsi que la limitation du pouvoir absolu des empereurs aux présages du ciel. Par exemple, lorsqu'un ministre a dit à Song Emperor Shenzong que les catastrophes naturelles n'avaient aucun rapport avec les présages ou les avertissements du Ciel quant aux actes des empereurs, le Premier ministre Fu Bi admonesté l'empereur en déclarant que la seule chose que les empereurs craignent est le Ciel. Si les empereurs ne craignent pas le Ciel, alors les empereurs pourraient faire tout ce qu'ils veulent. De plus, Tang Degang a souligné que Mao Tse-tung Mao Zedong, c'est-à-dire un athée, avait pris le tremblement de terre de Tangshan en 1976 comme un mauvais présage qu'il allait bientôt mourir. De même, Kissenger a mentionné que Mao Tse-toung à un moment avait montré sa superstition. Après avoir analysé la différence des droits devine entre l'Orient et l'Occident, Tang Degang a cité le Ciel comme des contraintes sur les empereurs chinois. Bien que, Tang Degang a complimenté Chinas Song Dynasty comme un bon exemple de l'équilibre des pouvoirs entre les empereurs et les premiers ministres. La conclusion est claire: l'état de droit de la Chine est ce qui a fait d'elle une civilisation en premier lieu. Il n'y a aucune excuse en citant le passé impérial de la Chine comme un obstacle insurmontable pour entrer dans la phase de démocratie, de liberté et de liberté. La brillance administrative de la Chine, comme le système des examens civils, ne doit jamais être écartée. Les idées et les concepts anciens pourraient encore servir de guides utiles pour la gestion d'un pays comme la Chine d'aujourd'hui. Les dirigeants chinois sages devraient tirer des inspirations du passé et comprendre la véritable essence du Mandat du Ciel. En me concentrant davantage sur les aspects historiques, j'espère que les Chinois réfléchiront sérieusement sur leur passé et leur présent et se rendront compte de qui ils sont et de leur destination. La dissertation politique: La société de castes Longtemps après la dynastie des Yuan mongols a conçu la société discriminatoire en Chine, qui a divisé les personnes en Chine en quatre groupes, dans un système de caste le gouvernement chinois a réussi à mettre en place sur le continent chinois encore plus serré et Un système de castes plus cruel après leur accession au pouvoir en 1949. Contrairement à celui des Mongols qui était de nature ethnique, le système actuel est politique et axé sur le pouvoir, et il est plus caché et déguisé, inconnu à l'extérieur par collusion, conscient Ou subconscient, des personnes dans les castes supérieures en Chine. Par conscient ou subconscient, je pointe directement à la caste de la ville dite en Chine, sans aucune distinction. Cela peut sembler injuste et sévère. Cependant, la vérité est que si vous rencontrez des Chinois dans les rues de San Francisco, de Los Angeles ou de New York, le plus probable est que ces gens viennent du fond d'un citadin en Chine. Les illégaux du Fujian seraient probablement travailler et dormir dans les restaurants autour de l'horloge ou de travailler dans les ateliers de couture des vêtements. Lorsqu'on m'a demandé d'expliquer en détail la situation des paysans par rapport aux citadins, je me suis dit que c'était difficile et que j'en ai tiré une bonne analogie. J'ai dit aux gens que vous pourriez probablement penser aux paysans chinois comme les hommes invisibles comme représenté par un auteur noir aux Etats-Unis (Ralph Ellison), et le genre de relation entre les paysans chinois et les citadins serait équivalent aux Noirs contre les Blancs Aux États-Unis dans les années 1960. Les soi-disant peuple chinois n'incluent pas les paysans chinois INVISIBLES. L'image des paysans était rarement vue à la télévision ou entendue à la radio. Ils n'ont certainement pas apparaître dans les écrans de télévision lorsque la Chine avait le carnaval pour gagner le droit d'accueillir les Jeux olympiques. J'avais récemment réalisé pourquoi si peu de mes camarades de classe avaient jamais été inscrits dans l'école secondaire supérieure qui sont situés dans les capitales ou les villes du canton. Il existait un quota tout le temps. Ce n'est pas que mes camarades de campagne n'étaient pas assez intelligents pour exceller dans les examens d'entrée ouverts, mais que les scores d'admission pour les garçons et les filles de la campagne avaient toujours été plus élevés que pour les garçons et les filles de la ville. Récemment (en l'an 2000), quelqu'un avait comparé les notes d'admission pour l'entrée au collège qui étaient exigées des étudiants à Pékin contre la province du Fujian le résultat montre que ces étudiants de Pékin, quoiqu'avec des points plus bas que les contreparties du Fujian par 150-200 points, L'Université Qinghua ou l'Université de Beijing. Les statistiques montrent que parmi les étudiants de Pékin U ou Qinghua U, 30 viennent de la ville de Pékin, 30 des villes provinciales de Chine, 20 des cantons de la Chine provinciale, et moins de 10 de la campagne de la Chine. En 2001, j'avais remarqué une vague de plaintes sur Internet au sujet des scores injustes d'admission et des quotas. J'espère vraiment que les gens de la ville, une fois réalisant l'injustice et l'inégalité du système à l'entrée des collèges, extrapolera cela pour faire valoir les paysans fortement exploités qui vivent dans le fond de la société de caste chinoise. Un homme sage a souligné que les communistes chinois avaient délibérément affaibli la race chinoise physiquement ainsi que mentalement. La société de castes a conduit à un mariage non-scientifique entre les paysans (comprenant 70-80 de la population chinoise totale), avec des statistiques montrant que 80 des paysans se marient dans le même comté, 50 dans le même xiang Équivalent, précédemment sous forme de communes), et 30 dans le même village. Je ne pouvais tout simplement pas imaginer comment les communistes sont à courte vue dans l'affaiblissement de la course chinoise et je suis extrêmement inquiet de l'avenir du peuple chinois et la nation chinoise. Dans l'histoire, les Mongols avaient également adopté des quotas dans les examens des services civils, qui devaient s'assurer qu'au moins la moitié des postes du gouvernement seraient occupés par des personnes d'origine mongole. Par la dynastie Ming, cependant, la discrimination contre différents groupes de personnes a été révoquée, et les examens impériaux avaient été ouverts à tous les milieux. Mais le système actuel en Chine est discriminatoire contre les paysans dans tous les aspects, économique, social, culturel et politique. Cette caste n'est pas meilleure que celle de l'Inde. Pire encore est que les gens dans la caste de la ville ne réalisent jamais qu'ils sont consciemment ou subconsiously sauvegarder ce système de caste. Certains lecteurs ont remis en question ma déclaration en ce qui concerne la caste: «Il n'y a aucun intérêt à pointer les doigts vers d'autres personnes, je crois le dicton: si vous ne faites pas partie de la solution, vous faites partie du problème. Je ne suis pas en désaccord avec beaucoup de choses que vous avez dit, mais vous semblez confondre la politique avec ethnicitynationality. Je ne défends pas les communistes, mais vous semblez suggérer le communisme chinois. Quant aux exagérations, dire que la société chinoise actuelle a un système de castes est fausse. Le racisme existe partout, sauf un système de castes. Comeon un peu fort ne pensez-vous pas Ma réponse: Malheureusement, les problèmes de la Chine ne se sont aggravés maintenant qu'auparavant, contrairement à peut-être pieux. Chinois communistes ne connaissent pas la honte. Ils savent seulement cacher leurs draps sales sous leurs beaux vêtements. Pourquoi la situation s'aggrave-t-elle Puisque Shanghai, à partir de l'année 2002, a adopté la même politique de scélérat que Shenzhen et Pékin. Shanghai nécessite maintenant une carte de résidence temporaire. La police pourrait arrêter toute personne dans la rue pour vérifier cette pièce d'identité. La police pourrait jeter tout migrant dans la camionnette et l'envoyer au centre de détention. Selon un journal publié récemment, un homme d'affaires a été pris dans la zone de Minhang, jeté dans une camionnette de la police, transporté par camion au centre de détention de Zhuanqiaos, redirigé vers le centre d'expédition de Shanghaï, puis empaqueté avec d'autres migrants pour leur province natale. - Cela me rappelle seulement le train nazi qui a transporté les victimes juives pour les chambres à gaz, et j'espère que ce lecteur réalisera un jour la gravité du problème chinois ainsi que l'apathie de la classe privilégiée. J'ai encore répondu: Bo Yang a écrit sa version de chinois laides et beaucoup de gens se sont indignés à ce sujet. Ce que j'avais essayé de faire, c'est de faire en sorte que les Chinois se méfient d'abord de la honte, une qualité intitulée Whoever Knows Shame Is Courageous per Confucius. Cette sensibilité du lecteur prouve qu'elle avait conservé la conscience, ce qui est bon. Je n'ai jamais dit chinoisecommuniste cependant, les Chinois qui ont grandi sous le système communiste avaient fait partie de la pyramide. À la lumière du sort de la majorité des Chinois et de l'apathie des Chinois qui avaient quitté la Chine, ce que j'ai exposé n'est que constructif en prenant soin de parler des Chinois majoritaires sous contrôle communiste. How Was the Chinese Civilization Sustained Paul Kennedy, in The Rise Fall Of The Great Powers , claimed that Europes mountaineous geography had guarranteed the disunity and individuality of European nations, principalities and peoples. Then, is China lacking the mountains, gorges and deserts that should have precluded the unification aspiration of the Chinese people from a continuance The geographical thesis marks Paul Kennedys 600-page book invalid automatically. China, at least from the time of Confucius, repeatedly talked about the term da grand yi one tong unification. What Confucius argued 2500 years ago was different from the unification agenda of kings or emperors: Confucius was talking about which month of the year should be treated as the first month on the da grand tong unification li calendar i. e. a same term used by Ming Dynasty Emperors in distributing Chinas calendars to vassals including Japan Ryukyu . In Confucius times, Song Principality was using Shang Dynastys calendar Dec Jinn was using Xia Dynastys Jan as the first month Zhou court used Nov as the first month of the year and vassal Qin adopted October as the first month of the year. China had been a united country or possessed an inertia for unity because of the same origin of our people as well as the invention and adoption of pictographic form of written language. Further, Confucian school of thoughts upheld the ancient ancestor worship to the apex, leading to the blood affinity of clans and families, a phenomenon that continued till the 1960s when communist China destroyed all tombs, including that of my grandfather. Our civilization, born out of a mundane society, had survived the impacts and challenges as a result of the establishment of our ancestoral belief and morality systems and values. In past thousand years, our peoples and clans were used to saying that we, of same last name, were from the same family 500 years ago. From Song Dynasty onward, Prime Minister Fan Zhongyan, as a philanthropic activity, had provided a model of purchasing lands for the same clan members. Each and every member of the clan, after success in career or wealth, would usually return to the hometown to rebuild the family ancestral pilgrimage. In early 20th century, the father of diplomat Gu Weijun i. e. Wellington Koo did the same in buying large patches of lands on behalf of the Gu clan. After Taiwan opened the visitation to mainland China in 1988, hundreds of thousands of compatriots had visited mainland to do the same. My word of advice for our Chinese brothers: Love your cousins. As Zhang Bingling said, the clan affinity was from foetus placenta. You, as an individual Chinese, could make a change in todays China by spreading the message of love and care for your fellow brothers. As another ancient Chinese saying goes, it takes 10 years to plant a tree and 100 years to raise a person. Raising a person i. e. an ordinary Chinese person is a task that should be undertaken from ground up inside of China. Only after restoring the baseline of Chinas societal foundations and values which had been destroyed by the communist regime would there be possibility of a resurrected Chinese Nation . (Paul Kennedys other thesis in The Rise Fall Of The Great Powers , i. e. economic power determining the outcome of a war, was wrong as well even though it partially explained why Germany were twice defeated by Britain and US. Germanys defeats lied in its fatal bogging down in Russia the same way as Japans entanglement in China during WWII. For both Japan and Germany, they attacked economically backward Russia and China but failed invariably. Similarly, Manchu China, though relatively wealthy after 300 years of silver inflow including that from the gold mine of Mexico, nevertheless fell prey to the imperialists, spitting out the tonnage of silver China accumulated over thousands of years on top of the intake in last couple hundreds of years.) Two books, A History of Asia by Woodbridge Bingham of UC Berkeley, and Chinas Imperial Past by Charles Hucker of Standford University, had been very helpful in shedding the light on the cause of the continuity of the Chinese civilization. The former touches on religion and culture, and it is from this book that my conviction is vindicated, i. e. the mundane powers determine the religion, not the other way around. As we know, Indian King Ashoka and Roman Emperor Constantine directly caused the later developments of the two religions. The latter book touches on government and philosophy in depth, and it proposed the so-called notion that ancient Chinese were Confucian superficially, Daoist innerside, and legalist in governance. This is basically the same saying as Mr Lin Yutang proposed during early 20th century. As to Chinese civilization, I would emphasize two points which I think play the fundamental role in upholding and sustaining the Chinese civilization. The first would be the fundamental Chinese belief in ancestor worshipping. Real-sense chreishing and appreciation of a heritage would be for the descendants to actually remember who their ancestors were and what accomplishments their ancestors had achieved. Note that Chinas surname could be mapped to the same Y-chromosome. As a result of ancient Chinese ancestor worshipping, Chinese clans present a unique way of identification of surnames and Gene-tree Y-chromosome. Confucius had a saying king king, minister minister, father father, son son and I would say this had shaped Chinas moral and legal bases in a mundane society where no religion like Chritianity, Buddhism and Islam had ever originated and developed. Confucius had simply developed the ancient Chinese philosophy of ancestor worshipping as recorded on the Shang oracle bones. Confucius was very much trying to resurrect the so-called li (rituals) of early Zhou Dynasty, and his ultimate motive was to exalt the virtues and system of early Zhou Dynasty as heralded by Archduke Zhou and those people in Song State (Confucius ancestral state where the direct descendants of earlier Shang Dynasty had been living since the Shang-Zhou transition year of 1066 BC). Lack of the moral and legal bases will not make a nation. This is best illustrated by the failures of the Huns although they had been living along the Chinese since inception of the Chinese history. The Hunnic kings historically took over their stepmothers and brothers wives as concubines and they could never make a nation, even with many defector Chinese generals (like Li Ling, historian Sima Qians friend and general Li Guangs grandson). For a mundane country like China, people would have no choice but to seek for their fundamental strength in ancestor worshipping so as to safeguard their moral and legal formality and way of life. Todays China, void of this fundamental base, certainly had become a decadent society full of corruption and crimes. Wise guys had pointed out the urgent need for the Chinese to re-possess Ren Yi Li Zhi Xin, namely, compassion, being righteous, courtesy or rituals for Li, intelligence for Zhi, and keeping promise for Xin. Alternative saying would be Li Yi Lian Chi or courteous, righteousness, frugal or economical, and shame-awareness. The continuity of Chinese civilization, however, lies in the so-called pillars and safeguards of the system, the elite class who obtained their officialdom posts via either the recommendation system in Han times or the civil services exam (open to almost all classes of people, though not altogether) in Tang-Song-Ming-Qing dynasties. While some Italian traveller wrote of the liberal and somewhat lascivious lifestyle of southern Chinese in Canton on the eve of Mongol attacks, not much different from the exotic social life as depicted in Arabian Nights, the Chinese civilization had survived for past thousands of years because of the pillars and safeguards of the system, simply called emperors men. This is best illustrated by the familial motto guides such as Zhu Family Mottos by Zhu Xi the neo-Confucian of Song Dynasty. This system of emperors men had its heyday in Song Dynasty when first emperor of Song forced all his generals into retirement and conferred even the military posts onto civil-service officials. Song Dynasty produced such righteous ministers as Fan Zhongyan who was famous for a motto that one should worry before the populace do so and seek happiness only after the populace become happy. Song Dynasty produced numerous Si Yi intellectuals, i. e. those Confucians who sacrificed their families and lives for the country. When chased by the Mongols, Prime Minister Lu Xiufu, with young emperor on his back, fled to southern coast. After driving his family into the sea, Lu jumped into the sea with emperor on his back. Wen Tianxiang, on the date of being executed, wrote a poem, stating that Confucius proposed that one should die for compassion (Ren) and Mencius suggested that one should die for righteousness (Yi). Only when righteousness is fully exerted will the compassion be derived. What should I endeavour after educating myself with so many books of the ancient saints However, I am sure that I feel no guilty about myself from this death moment on. (Confucius wording for Ren should mean a broader sense of human perfection, similar to nirvana in Buddhism. Ren also meant nucleus in Chinese, as used for the nucleus of various fruits like apple.) Intellectuals, as said earlier, had always been Chinas conscience, and it was those intellectuals who had faced up with the emperors in past 2000 years and maintained Chinas civilization. Today, under the oppression of the communist government, Chinas intellectuals had lost their traditional courage and it might take many more years for them to pick up this same courage again to face up with the new tyrants in Peking. In the 1950s, two intellectuals stood out as the conscience of China, namely, Liang Suming (the agriculturalist) and Ma Yinchu (the expert on demography). Both persons did not bend in face of organized rascal attacks orchestrated by Mao the tyrant. Mao was too much a tyrant for the intellectuals, and damages were done. Mao personally said that Qins First Emperor Shi Huangdi was nobody because Mao himself had routed hundreds of thousands of rightists while Qin only buried a few hundreds of Confucians. Communist life philosophy is class struggle and human struggle against each. When I first read Salisburys New Long March in 1983, I realized that the so-called AB League, namely, the Anti-Bolshevik League, was a conspiracy by Maos Hunan communists to purge those Jiangxi communists on Jinggangshan Mountains. In early 80s, there was a movie From Slave To General showing that AB agents were shot to death once they were caught. A reading of English version Red Star Over China also shed light on many things skipped in the Chinese translation. Recently, I read about the Yanan Rectification Movement of 40s, and I was surprised to find out that Wang Shiwei, a writer who was classified as a reactionary (Trotsky follower) in 1944(), was not executed (via decapitation) till 1947 when the communists evacuated from Yanan. The executioner was later assigned the post as some kind of party secretary of Sichuan Province. What a sad story here. Maos purge of his comrades would be too long a topic for me to touch on here. Its no less than Stalins Purge, and it was something that triggered Maos launching the cultural revolution partially since Mao was phobic about his comrades (Liu, Deng Zhou etc) possibly learning from Kruschkevs negating Stalin in 1956. Partial is my word here because Mao and his unofficial wife (Jiang Qing), both, had utilized every possible chance to avenge on their comrades for any mischieves they felt in 30s and 40s. Liang Suming, the Last Confucian Of China Liang Suming was called the last Confucian of China because he was the first scholar to stand up against Mao Tse-tungs agricultural polices and the so-called land reform in early 1950s. He thought he was doing his job just like numerous intellectuals or Confucians in prior dynasties. Mao personally cursed or bashed agriculturalist Liang Suming for more than one hour during the Sept 1953 National Agriculture Meeting. What distinguishes Liang Suming and Ma Yinchu from the other intellectuals would be the fact that they refused to write self-criticisms and succumb to tyranny. Liang did not know what kind of tyrant Mao really was. In the past 2000 years, Chinas emperors cared about what history would write about them, and they would usually ask historians to give them favor for their usurpations and killing. In Spring Autumn time period, there were three brothers who worked as royal chronicler for Qi Principality. The elder brother wrote that prime minister, Cui Zhu, killed the king and hence got killed by the usurper, the second brother continued his brothers version and got killed, and the third brother did it again, which made Cui Zhu frustrated at it and hence left the record unchanged. Confucius private annals, Spring Autumn, enjoyed a high remark which goes like this: After Confucius edited the Spring Autumn, the usurpers tyrants had become wary of their conducts. Liang Suming (1893-1988) was a talented scholar as we mentioned in the section on Mongolians. He, from Guiling, todays Guangxi Province, claimed Mongolian heritage. His father, Liang Li, sacrificed his life to protest against Chinas weakness. He wrote an article An Exploration Into Yuan Dynasty in 1918 and hence was appointed lecturer of philosophy in Peking University at the age of 25. He would later advocate a new school of Buddhism based on the humanitarianism, loving-kindness and compassion. He was labelled a conservative for his criticisms of facile westernization and modernization. In the 1930s, he launched an experiment with agriculture in Shandong Province by setting up village schools and Confucian academies. Together with James Yen, his activities would be called Rural Reconstruction Movement. Later in 1940s, he visited Mao in Yanan and debated the agriculture and the peasants issues with Mao for days. Liang and Mao agreed to disagree on agriculture and peasants. While Liang was a proponent of agricultural reform, Mao was conducting bloody and radical land revolution by killing landlords and distributing land to peasants. Liang was a prominent member in the Democratic League and stayed on in Peking to meet Mao during the communist takeover in 1949, and he was appointed a post as an agricultural expert in the so-called Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference or Committee (CPPCC). Ma Yinchu, like Liang Suming, stayed on to greet Mao as well in 1949. Philosopher-turned Scholar Shan Shaojie, in Mao In Power 1949-1976 (Mirror Books, 2000, Carle Place, NY, ISBN 962-8744-31-3), had a good account of Maos bashing of Liang: On Sept 9th 1953, Zhou Enlai invited Liang Suming for making a speech at the expanded meeting for CPPCC standing committee. On Sept 11th, Liang Suming pointed out mistakes and blunders committed by CCP on the agricultural issues. The second day, 60-year-old Mao Tse-tung made a speech in response to Liang Sumings criticisms by claiming that What a joke it is that some body dared to show off carpeters hatchet in front of a master. On Sept 13th, 60-year-old Liang Suming had a short encounter with Mao and defended himself by stating that he had no ill intent in his criticisms, but Mao claimed that Liang was unconsciously against the general policies of CCP. From Sept 16th to 18th, Liang Suming defended his innocence during the 27th session of commissar meeting of the central peoples government and requested that Mao made a self-criticism. Mao Tse-tung interrupted Liangs talk several times, claiming that Liang Suming was someone murdering people with pens the same way as Chiang Kai-shek murdering people with gun barrels. Mao further said that Liang, a reactionary in disguise, had utterly no contribution to the common people during his whole life, that Liang refused to acknowledge his reactionary perspectives while painting himself more appealing than such ancient Chinese beauties as Lady Xi-shi, Lady Wang Zhaojun and Lady Yang Guifei, that Liang Suming, not someone to be trusted, should not be allowed to attend even small-scale meetings hosted by democratic parties and organizations, that Liang Suming should repent over his thoughts and tell people how he had turned into a reactionary representing the landlords, that Liang Suming knew no shame in thinking he was smarter than communists on the matter of agriculturepeasants or smarter than peoples volunteer soldiers flying warplanes over Korea or PLA soldiers digging trenches during civil wars, and that Liang Suming was a hppocrite with wild ambitions. Zhou Enlai slammed Liang Suming by lodging accusations as to sabotaging peacetalks between KMT and CCP in 1946. (See Zhou Enlais tears .) Shan Shaojie claimed that the red guards of the 1965 cultural revolution must have learnt Maos rascal approach from right here and that Mao had contrasted sharply with Liang Suming as far as Confuciuss old saying goes, namely, that a wise man should possess listening flat ears by the age of 60. Liang Suming hence shutting up his mouth, Mao Tse-tung, however, did not forget to launch a mass movement to further criticise Liang Suming in May of 1955. Maos ascension to total dictatorship came in stages. Mao Tse-tung, directly responsible for the rascal movement in Hunan Prov in 1927, would be the red-handed culprits in the Purge of Anti-Bolshevik League during 1930-1931, the Purge of Trotskyists during 1937-1941, and the Rectification Movement during 1942-1945. Purge of Trotskyists (1937-1941) and Yanan Rectification (1942-1945) had purged most of the senior political enemies such as Wang Ming, Zhang Wentian and Zhang Guotao. The next stage would come in 1953, after Mao finished another political enemy, Gao Gang. To win the Civil War against the Nationalists during 1945-1949, Mao had adopted a mild and deceptive policy of attracting the intellectuals with slogans of freedom and democracy. Around the 1940s, intellectuals flocked to Yanan and extolled the communists against the corruption of the Nationalist government (KMT). (Todays China, with power and business interwined, is certainly more than 10,000 times more corrupt than the so-called corruption of KMT.) One noteworthy intellectual would be a historian called Fan Wenlan, a person responsible for editing the Chinese history from the communist ideological perspective (i. e. historical materialism). Foreigners flocked to Yanan as well, including Edgar Snow whom Mao had privately suspected to be a CIA agent. In the aftermath of the WWII, intellectuals were in continuous employment by the communists. In KMT areas, students and intellectuals staged incessant demonstrations. My university campus was littered with a monument in remembrance of two communist student martyrs who were killed by the KMT government for subversion. A so-called consultative conference was convened in Peking in the name of rebuilding China. As pointed out by Bao Tong, in his article, Revealing the CCP , 1949 saw Mao upholding the so-called Common Guiding Principles which was submitted to CPPCC and conferred constitutional status. This document stated that the state protects the private property of workers, peasants, small and domestic bourgeoisies, that freedom of thought and freedom of migration of the people was protected, and that the members of the National Peoples Congress (NPC) at all levels shall be elected by a direct election process. But in 1953, Mao suddenly initiated the transformation towards socialism, and dealt a death penalty to the Common Guiding Principles according to Bao Tong. (Shan Shaojie pointed out that the underlining logic for practicing socialism rather than the transitionary neo-democracy-ism would be Mao Tse-tungs efforts at the property deprivation of individual proprietors or petty-bougeoise to the extent that individual proprietors or petty-bougeoise would forfeit their economic basis after losing their quasi voting rights in the Chinese Peoples Consultative Committee. See section on Jiti Enterprises i. e. Collective Registers enterprises for details.) To solidify his rule, Mao purged 552,2887 bourgeoisie rightists nationwide in 1957, and after 1959 Lushan Meeting, went on the Anti-Rightist Trend to rout another 3,800,000 people. The failure of the Great Leap Forward and Peoples Commune (1958-1961) and 40 million peasant death from starvation had compelled Mao into relinquishing some of his power, but Mao fought back against Liu Shaoqi with the launch of the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976) during which one hundred million fell into victims nationwide. The concept of Heaven as an ancient Di or overlord had been with Chinese since the era of Eight Ancient Lords. Shang Dynastys founder, Shang-Tang, claimed that Lord Highness (Heaven) instructed him to campaign against Xia Dynasty Lord Jie because of Jies corruption and cruelty. Later, Confucius would term it Shang Tang Revolution, a word that would be used by Dr. Sun yat-sen in his efforts at overthrowing Manchu rule. The first citation of the Mandate of Heaven could be seen in Zhou King Wuwangs campaign against the Shang Dynasty in the 11th century BC. Zhou was a small tribal state in todays Shaanxi Provice, southwest of the Mountain Qishan, in a place called Zhouyuan. Wuwang, named Ji (last name) Fa, on basis of 50 years of management by his father Ji Chang who was conferred the title of Xibo (Count West) by last Shang King and with the help of counsel Jiang Taigong (Duke Jiang, i. e. Lu3 Wang4), launched an attack in the 11th century B. C.E. at Shang Dynasty which controlled central China at the time. When he called upon various tribes to rebel against Shang, he stated that he was carrying out the order from the Heaven to penalize Shang king who had disrupted his kingdom by killing his elder son (Bigan) and imprisoning the uncle (Ji-zi) under the influence of the witch-like Shang queen. He assembled 300 chariots, 3000 brave soldiers, and an army of 45000 and crossed the Yellow River. In the outskirts of Shang capital Chaoge, a place called Muye, he met his alliance who had joined him with 4000 more chariots, and they confronted the Shang army of 700 thousand and defeated them. Ji Fa hence proclaimed the founding of Zhou Dynasty under the Mandate of Heaven. The last Shang ruler, Zhouwang, would be a despotic ruler. He killed one marqui (Jiu Hou) and his daughetr because the marquis daughter was not lewd. Another marqui (Er Hou) was killed because he tried to protect Jiu Hou. Count Xibo, i. e. Ji Chang, sighed about the killings, and hence was imprisoned by Zhouwang. Zhouwang would kill Count Xibos elder son, Boyikao, and made a dish out of Boyikaos flesh for Xibo to eat. Zhouwang laughed when Xibo ate it without knowing that it was his sons flesh. Count Xibo was set free only after Xibos minister bribed Zhouwang by presenting a beauty. Prince Bigan, son of Zhouwang, would be deposed for trying to pursuade Zhouwang into correcting his deeds. When Count Xibo invaded a Shang vassal called the Jiguo Statelet, Zu Yi, a Shang minister, expressed the worry that the Mandate Of Heaven might be changed. Zhouwang rebutted Zu Yi, saying that the Mandate Of Heaven was with him the minute he was born. After Xibo passed away, the later Zhou King Wuwang would rally eight hundred Shang vassals on the bank of the Yellow River, Mengjin. The vassals said to Wenwang, Zhouwang could be campaigned against by now. Wuwang said, You guys did not know the Mandate Of Heaven yet. Zhouwangs brother, Wei-zi, would flee the capital. Zhouwangs son, Prince Bigan, seeing the departure of Wei-zi, would try to pursuade Zhouwang again, but was ordered killed by Zhouwang to see whether Bigans heart had 9 compartments as the saints were said to possess. Zhouwangs uncle, Prince Ji-zi, would pretend to have gone mentally ill, but he was still imprisoned by Zhouwang. When Shangs chief music ministers, Tai Shi and Shao Shi, fled to Zhou with Shangs ritual instruments, Zhou King Wuwang now orderd a campaign against Shang. After losing the Battle of Muye, Zhouwang would commit suicide by setting his palace on fire and jumping into fire when King Wuwang of Zhou invaded Shang capital, Chaoge. The Mandate of Heaven hence become a norm for the substitution of Chinese dynasties. To enforce the concept, some legends would be fabribated to support the claim of the will of the Heaven. For Han Dynasty founder Liu Bang, there was the legend that his mother had dreamt about some dragon flying into the house when she gave birth to his son. Even nomadic rulers, like the Hunnic king Liu Yuan of Hunnic Zhao Dynasty (AD 304-329), would proclaim himself emperor in AD 308 and declared his dynasty as Han on basis of one sound logic that Hunnic kings had historically acknowledged that they were the nephews of Han Chinese emperors. By designating his dynasty as Han, he intended to play the card of asserting the so-called Mandate of Heaven. In those sections on dynasties, we would point out where the dynasty names came from. Par exemple. the name of Han was the title of King Han conferred to Liu Bang by General Xiang Yu at the end of the war which overthrew the Qin Empire. This title designates the land of conferral, namely, the domain of Hanzhong in between todays Sichuan and Shaanxi Provinces. Similarly, Liu Yu of Song State, Liu Song (AD 420-479), during the period of South Dynasties (AD 420-589), had adopted the dynasty name of Song because he was conferred the title of Duke Song by Eastern Jin Dynasty (AD 317-420). Sui Dynasty (AD 581-618) founder, Yang Jian, derived the name from the title of Duke Sui which was conferred by Northern Zhou Dynasty (AD 557-581), while Tang Dynasty (AD 618-907) founder, Li Yuan, derived his name from the title of Duke Tang conferred by Sui emperor. Certainly, the Mandate of Heaven is hard to apply to the aliens as well as numerous usurpers. It is a pretext at most. Mongolians, after encircling the city of Xiangyang for 4 years, had finally made the city surrender, and then crossed the Yangtze River to have the whole China conquered for the first time by an alien tribal group in AD 1279. The Manchus easily achieved their objective of ruling China after two rebel leaders, Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong, ravaged and destroyed northern China and forced the last Ming Dynasty emperor to hang himself inside the Forbidden City in AD 1644. Similarly, the Japanese invasion of China from 1931 to 1945 which had severely destroyed the Nationalist Part ruling base in China, coupled with Russian wholesale aid to the Chinese communists and American sellout of Republic of China at Yalta, made the communists the natural inheritor of the so-called Mandate of Heaven. The Tragedy Of Chinas Revolution Xin Hao-nian, in his book, Which Is The New China (copyright 1999, Blue Sky Publishing House), expounded the Nationalist Revolutions of early 20th century, with extrordinary insights into Dr. Sun Yat-sens Three People-ism, Five Branches Of Government, and three stages for China to evolve to democracy, namely, Jun Zheng (military government), Xun Zheng (KMT supervised government), and Xian Zheng (constitutional government). Dr Sun Yat-sen proposed the three stages after reflecting on the incompleteness of Xin Hai Revolution, i. e. the 1911 Revolution that overthrew the Manchu rule. Dr. Sun Yat-sen, however, had his shortcomings and deficiencies. He, like generations of people in the 20th century, had naive and utopian fondness for the Russian October Revolution of 1911. He misunderstood Lenins lip-service in nullifying the unequal treaties imposed on China by Czar Russia, and hence entered into an alliance with Soviet Union and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Sun Yat-sen, in order to win support from USSR, had contacted Lenin two times in 1918 and expressed much softer stance on Mongolia independence and China Eastern Railroad in 1922 correspondence with Joffe. From 1920 to 1923, Lenin continuously sent his representatives to China for talks with northernsouthern warlords as well as with Dr. Sun Yat-sen and communist activists. While USSR was dealing with Sun Yat-sens southern movements and Pekings northern warlord lineage government, Cominterns claws entered China with the assistance of a Chinese-turned Russian Bolshevik called Yang Mingzai (aka Yang Haode). In April 1920, Voitinsky and Yang Mingzai met Li Dazhao several times and was then referred to Chen Duxiu in Shanghai by Li Dazhao for talks about establishing the CCP. In May of 1920, Yang Mingzai attended the founding of Marxism Research Society of Shanghai in Aug, Yang Mingzai, together with Chen Duxiu, Li Hanjun, Shen Xuanlu, Chen Wangdao, Yu Xiusong and Shi Cuntong, established Communist Party Launch Panel of Shanghai and thereafter, Yang Mingzai and Yu Xiusong founded the Socialist Youth League of Shanghai. Comintern Rep Maring was dispatched to Shanghai for organizing Chinese Communist Party (CCP). From 1921 to 1923, Maring paid three visits to China in total. Marings notes in Dutch archives mentioned that Chen Duxiu was the leader of CCP in Shanghai, with his New Youth magazine enrolling a total of 50-60 people in 7-8 centers across the nation. When various provincial representatives convened in Shanghai for founding the CCP in July 1921, Maring, as one of two Russians present, congratulated the official founding of CCP. Twenty days later, Maring requested with Chen Duxiu for abandoning his education official career in Canton and pursuaded CCP into an alliance with KMT. Maring thereafter left for Cantons KMT government and met Sun Yat-sen in Guangxi for talks about KMTs alliance with USSR and CCP. Representative of Lenin came to Shanghai where Sun Yat-sen was seeking safe haven after Chen Jiongming betrayed Sun. In a joint declaration on Jan 26th, 1923, Joffe promised to Dr. Sun that they would help China to reunite under Dr. Suns Three People-ism without implanting communism in China. Mikhail Borodins military supplies and a package of 2 million Mexican dollars in annual aid made Dr. Sun declare a new policy of allying with USSR and allowing CP members to join KMT individually. (Xin Hao-nian mentioned that Dr. Sun might have mis-judged CPs destabilizing capabilities because CP possessed only 432 members by the end of 1923.) Dr. Sun Yat-sen, after Jan 26th 1923 Sun-Joffe Joint Statement, had fallen into a de facto Soviet agent, sowing the seeds of struggles and conflicts between KMT and CCP as well as the disasters of the Chinese people in 20th century. Dr. Suns decision for alliance with USSRCCP was due to two factors: i) disappointment over the betrayal of warlord or militarist like Chen Jiongming ii) agony over Western imperialist powers antagonism to Chinese revolution. This could be best represented by what he complained to reporters of New York Times in July, 1923. As pointed out by Xin Hao-Nian, Dr. Suns decision to withhold surplus from the Canton Customs was opposed by various imperialistic powers. After Sun yat-sen reorganized military government in Canton in Dec 1920, foreign diplomatic corps stopped the funding of 13 of the customs surplus that was due to the southern government on the pretext that Canton government did not represent the whole area of Southwest China as stipulated by the prior funding agreement. Wu Tingfang protested against the foreign corpss canton legation and threatened to take over custody of the customs office as a revenge. In December, 1923, to counter the threat of Canton government, foreign powers sailed their warships and gunboats to Baiertan area of Canton as a show of force. Britain, US, France, Japan, Italy and Portugal etc sent their warships and gunboats to Canton to exert pressure on Dr. Sun and protest against customs tax withholding. At larouchepubother20043123morganvdrsun. html. Mike Billington wrote for Executive Intelligence Review an article entitled How London, Wall Street Backed Japans War Against China and Sun Yat Sen , pointing out the behind-the-scene manipulations as to SYNARCHISM AND WORLD WAR. As stated by Mike Billington, . British synarchist banking interests, centered around Bank of England head Montagu Norman, Hongkong and Shanghai Bank director Sir Charles Addis, and J. P. Morgan chief executive Thomas Lamont, deployed militarily and politically to destroy Sun Yat Sen and his influence. when their subversion and looting failed to crush Suns republican movement, the British threw their weight behind the synarchistfascist forces in Japan, financing the Japanese military occupation of the Chinese mainland. By 1931, J. P. Morgan had floated 263 million in loans for Japanese borrowers, including direct loans to the government in 1930 , with quite some of the funds going direct to the Southern Manchurian Railway under disguise to avert the world opinions. Note that President Wilson rejected Reinschs 1917 financing arrangement for building an alternative rail route to the South Manchurian Railroad, even assured Japan that the United States would honor their special position in Manchuria, and in Oct 1918 agreed to the formation of a new bankers Consortium which was orchestrated by Anglo-American bankers for sake of depriving China of any chance of obtaining an international loan. Zheng Langping, in An Everlasting Glory , blamed Chinese casualties during First Burma Campaign on Stilwells multiple blunders. In Zheng Langpings opinion, the Burma Counter-attack would become an Anglo-American scheme to bog down China Japan in a balanced way so that China would not emerge a victor to pose a threat to the Anglo-American interests in the Far East . The infamous Ledo Highway, i. e. Stilwell Highway, could be a trap to exhaust the bulk of US wartime aid to China while giving China much less benefit than what the Hump Course had delivered. Anglo-American hostility towards and subversion against China continued well into the 1940s, at which time General Wedemeyer, right after succeesion of Stilwells post in 1944, reported to Washington DC in a cable, stating that . British Ambassador personally suggested to me that a strong unified China would be dangerous to the world and certainly would jeopardize the white mans position immediately in Far East and ultimately throughout the world . Other than the notorious Yalta Betrayal . another equally dirty deal that deeply hurt China would be the Betrayal during the San Francisco Peace Treaty . United States government, while still maintaining diplomatic relations with the KMT government in Taiwan, had no reason to ward off Chinese from the San Francisco Peace Treaty other than the ulterior motive in hurting the cause of the Chinese and China in the same cloak of pre-war colonialists. (More available at Century-long American hypocrisy towards China. Anglo-American Jewish romance with Japanese. What Foreign Powers Did To The Flowery Republic Prior To, During And After The 1911 Revolution. and American manipulations of Chinese politics e. g. Stilwells instigating General Bai Chongxi, Stuarts instigating Li Zongren, and McArthurs instigating General Sun Liren. Certainly, we did not have to remind the world that Russians, in 1937-1938, at the same time of sending volunteer pilots to the Chinese akies against Japanese, had rounded up ethnic Chinese in the Far East via an exile to the Siberia gulags. To see Stalins ulterior motives, note that Stalin after signing a neutrality pact with Japan on April 13th 1941 by betraying the 1937 non-aggression treaty between China and USSR, had sealed off Chinas continental exit to the north and northwest. Russian could have possibly eaten their words as to an agreed-upon declaration of war against Japan within half a year of the outbreak of the 2nd Sino-Japanese War.) Anglo-American supremacists, today, should have no worry about China anymore since the so-called elites of China, relatives and families of Chinese government officials, and the street and market people of the cities, men and women included, had already capitulated to the West. What remained unconquered would be the humblest people of this earth, i. e. peasant Chinese, whom the communist government had ensalved and bondaged on behalf of the West. Chinese communist rulers, who were pre-occupied with pleasure-seeking and literature-decoration like Manchu rulers, would most likely lose badly during the next confrontation which could be very well against the old feud i. e. Japan, now a lethal force under American umbrella, but having no memory of either the pardon from the Republic of China or the humiliation of being declined a decent surrender by Russians. Stilwell, the slimy who itched to throw down. shovel and get over there and shoulder a rifle with Chu Teh i. e. the communist commander-in-chief, before his kickout from China, paid a visit to Mme Sun Yat-sen, the No. 1 Comintern agent in China. George Marshall quit his job twice, J. I.T (just in time), in anticipation of some pre-arranged phonecalls from Truman to tack on the jobs as 1) first the mediator in the Chinese civil war and ii) secondly as defense minister during the Korean War, respectively. George Marshall returned Zhou Enlais address book to Zhou Enlai, while never alerting Chiang Kai-shek of communist spies like Xiong Xianghui. While Currie stopped German weapons from shipping to China and Truman dumped Chinas Lend-Lease weapons to Indian Ocean, Acheson and George Marshall personally pushed for the 1946-47 arms embargo against China and imposed three ceasefire onto Chinese government, on Jan-10-1946, June-6-1946, Nov-8-1946. Marshall deliberately flew back to China in spring 1946 to stop Nationalist troops from chasing communists north of the Sungari River. This is how CHINA WAS LOST. At this moment, commies had rallied henchmen against Mr Xin Haonians book Which Is New China by repeatedly citing the writings of John Fairbank and the sort. This webmaster, though not agreeing with the said book on all accounts, does want to point out that John Fairbank and most of the Old China Hands, being anti-Chinese-nationalism in nature, were fellow travellers of the communists and British colonialists since the OSSCIA days of 1940-50s . The best argument against the Chi-com would lie in continuing expositions of i) RussianComintern conspiracies against China, and ii) century-long American hypocrisy towards China American manipulations of Chinese politics e. g. Stilwells instigating General Bai Chongxi, Stuarts instigating Li Zongren, and McArthurs instigating General Sun Liren. The Wuhan Gang The Chungking Gang. including Joseph Stilwell, Agnes Smedley, Evans Carlson, Frank Dorn, Jack Belden, S. T. Steele, John Davies, David Barrett and more, were the core of the Americans who were to influence the American decision-making on behalf of the Chinese communists. It was not something that could be easily explained by Hurleys accusation in late 1945 that American government had been hijacked by i) the imperialists (i. e. the British colonialists whom Roosevelt always suspected to have hijacked the U. S. State Department) and ii) the communists. At play was not a single-thread Russian or Comintern conspiracy against the Republic of China but an additional channel that was delicately knit by the sophisticated Chinese communist agrarian reformers. Chinese communist agents on international arena would include Chen Hansheng i. e. Owen lattimores assistant Mme Sun Yat-sen who acted as the intermediary between domestic and international communists Wu Kejian Xie Weijing who orchestrated Chinese communist relief to the Spanish Civil War and Wang Bingnan whose German wife physically won over the hearts of above-mentioned Americans by providing the wartime bachelors with special one-on-one service. Though, Anna Wang Anneliese Martens, in her memoirs, expressed jealousy over Gong Peng by stating that the Anglo-American reporters had flattered the Chinese communists and the communist movement as a result of being entranced with the goldfish-eyeed personal assistant of Zhou Enlai. After 60 years, the crap about corruption of the Chiang Kai-sheks regime was so deeply rooted in the American academics that even the publication of the VENONA scripts would not make someone to rethink. Some American senator talked about McCarthyism, while McCarthy had been proven to be right in 99 of the cases he prosecuted. Some other U. S. senator talked about gung ho recently, while not knowing what Gung ho was meant for. Lets be clear here: gung ho was not Evan Carlsons commando team in the Pacific Islands but a Comintern scheme to launder money to Yenan, totalling 20 million USD at minimum from Chen Hanshengs operations with the U. S. communist front organizations 1939 to 1941 plus more afterward, as well as a CCP underground tunnel (to use the same word as the American Black slaves escape route to the north prior to the north-south war), on which road the CCP agents freely travelled around FREE CHINA by riding on the gung ho trucks more, in Jiangxi, the anti-Japanese war base as well as the former Red Army enclave, the gung ho gangs were secretly training the cooperative workers to be anti-government insurgents to echo the raging civil wars that were going on along the Yangtze and in North China, which saw the communist Eight Route Army and New Fourth Army slaughtering hundreds of thousands of village elderlies, county magistrates, government guerrilla forces, and patriotic gentry-organized forces. Now all this was done prior to the Pacific War. But due to Stalins demand for maintaining the CCP-KMT collaboration scheme, Mao and the communists dared not publicly talked about civil wars. Should they secretly took out government guerrillas, they would make sure that no messenger would live to escape from the communist territory to tell the truth. Zhao Tong, and 200 guerrillas, including his sister and dozens of female fighters, were run down by the communist cavalry, and killed to the last person while travelling towards Jehol. Who was Zhao Tong He was the son of double-gun Mme Zhao, whom the same Wuhan and Chungking gangs, Theodore White and Annalee Jacobys predecessors, had interviewed and talked about in the media both in China and over the world, a war hero fighting Japanese in Jehol since 1932-1933, and a Youth party member and later a statist member. After the Pearl Harbor, Stalin no longer cared about Chinas role in WWII. So the order changed, which was to say that Comintern agents had the free hand to bad-mouth China, with no penalty as imposed before the Dec 1941 Japanese attack at the Pearl Harbor. Hence you see Theodore White and Annalee Jacoby, and the gangs, writing venomous articles against China. Theodore White was one of the top 3-4 playboys in wartime Chungking, and like John Fairbank, enjoyed stalking communist mouthpiece Gong Peng, the little black widow and Zhou Enlais secretary, on the streets of Chungking. And you have Martens, the German communist, who provided one-on-one sexual service to those wartime American bachelors. I read through the craps by Theodore White and Annalee Jacoby just to find out who those guys cohorted with, and how they went around Free China, etc. My findings are the Theodore White gang always lived near the whorehouses, or one storey above the whorehouse, and this guy Theodore White at one time had a rendezvous with some Chinese generals concubine in a vacated hotel while the Japanese planes were dropping bombs over the whole city and people were fleeing to the bunkers. And another gang member was notorious in using the Hostel, a place the KMT government subsidized the international press rascals with a maximum cost of 1 and 3 for meals and lodging daily, as a daily party room to have fun with Chinese women. What you had were passages after passages of writings about the gangs whoring, and thats probably why Miles said he had thousands of pages of details on the gangs antics and all those materials were locked up in the U. S. Navys underground confidential room. From Rands book, you could tell how those guys flew back and forth, between the U. S. and China, had liaison with the Comintern and CPUSACCP agents, like Yang Gang and Yang Zao brother and sister, even inviting the CCP guest to their home in New England and of course the gang was responsible for hiring the CCP agents as translators and interpreters to work on the OSS watch and listen posts along the southeastern Chinese coastline. What a deal. Now, more to that. Almost all gang members were reaping profit by smuggling and selling scarce commodities, utilizing the black market rate of 1 USD to 120 CNC. The gangs made a killing and reaped huge profits, smuggling lipsticks for the sing-song women of Guilin, who were known to be Japanese spies. Some gang members purportedly had a platonic love club, with one CCP agent joining the drunkards club to talk about love. While Theodore White and Annalee Jacoby returned to the U. S. to write a best-seller, arguing among themselves about who should put the name on the book and who should take the credit, the other gang members thought about having some fun in the outpost China and flew to the Chinese Turkistan to bad-mouth China which was defending itself against years of harassment wars conducted by Eastern Turkistan rebels and instigated by Stalin after China kicked out the Russians by taking advantage of the German invasion of the Soviet Union. Like to ask you spend sometime on Khan, Rand and Whites books, and see how those creeps joined hands with Comintern and CCP agents to sabotage China, and made China what it is today. And of couse read Dorns book to know Marshall and Stilwells scheme to assassinate Chiang Kai-shek. It is no strange that the imperialist powers would oppose Dr. Suns revolution since Chinas revolution was induced by the invasions of the foreign powers in the first place. From the outset of Xin Hai Revolution of 1911, imperialist powers had opposed Chinas democracy process, and this is best exemplified by US ambassordors pressuring Manchu government into recalling Yuan Shi-Kai for sake of cracking down on Xin Hai Revolution. That is what I will call here as the tragedy of Chinese revolution. This has nothing to do with Harold Isaacs claim in his 1938 book Tragedy of The Chinese Revolution , i. e. Chinese revolution failed as a result of the ideological difference between LeninStalin, Bukharin and Trotsky on the matter whether Chinas revolution was at the stage of Russian 1905 Revolution or Russian 1917 Revolution. The so-called Chinas current status quo has been employed by the communist government either as an excuse for refusing democracy and liberty to Chinese people or in promoting a so-called socialism with Chinas special characteristics. Whats Chinas actual status quo Is China an autocratic country with dictator-like rulers all the time And being so, is that why China has no choice but to inherit the so-called autocratic way of ruling which the government euphimistically likened to that in Singapore, i. e. the neo-authoritarianism Its a fallacy at best. Chinas rule of law is what made her a civilization in the first place. The government ministers, like Fan Zhongyan of Song Dynasty, are the fundamental cause that Chinas civilization had sustained in past two thousand years. The book Imperial China discussed in details the unique way of bueaucracy for past thousands of years and demonstrated the enlightenment in Chinas imperial past. Chinas tripartite governancy certainly offered a good balance of power between various departments Chinas emperors believed in the Mandate Of Heaven and they cared about populace support and opinions Chinas examination system was utlized to draw talents to the service of the country as well as alleviate hereditary and nepotism power and Chinas legal system was designed to punish perpetrators no matter how high the rankings were. Remember both books were written before our information age, former in mid-1960s and latter in 1975. Not all emperors wielded absolute power. In Chinese history, there were numerous strong emperors as well as weak emperors. In case of weak emperors, ministers would make decision on behalf of the emperors. Eunuchs or emperors in-law families would sometime take over the power as well. Western Han Dynasty was usurped by Wang Mang, an in-law family, and Eastern Han fell into chaos as a result of the eunuch, in-law families and warlords fighting each other. Though imperial power becoming stronger and stronger, the ministers still wielded enormous influence over their emperors. Chinas tripartite governancy is worthy of special attention. The balance of power was best shown in Qin Statelets organization chart. Qin had used Bali Xi and Jian Shu as the rightside prime minister and leftside prime minister. After Shang Yang reform, three branches of governance were utilized, namely, chief counselor (chengxiang), grand marshal (taiwei), and censor-in-chief or inspector-in-chief (yushi dafu). Han Dynasty continued the Qin layout. Tang Dynasty devised Secretariat and Chancellery under the Grand Council, in addition to General Staff and Censorate. The functions of a censor or inspector played an important role in governing a country like China. In addition to the censorship or inspector system, Imperial China adopted the examination system for sake of attracting talents and breaking hereditary rights and nepotism. In history, Song Dynasty produced the majority of so-called commoner officials, like prime minister Fan Zhongyan. Thats the true essence of Chinas 2000-year autocracy. Egalitarianism is another feature Chinese enjoyed in the past dynasties. Ming Dynasty had abolished major unequal and unfair rulings and systems. The usual disparagement against the actors and actresses or the circus people was prohibited. Ming China allowed almost anyone access to taking the civil service exams. In one word, the Ming society had abolished any characteristic of caste society that China might have ever possessed. In Qing society, the castes were usually profession-oriented, like the tradesmen for salt andor shipping on the Canal etc. Those tradesmen enjoyed special Manchurian-santioned privileges. Even under the severe alien ruling of the Manchurians, Chinese could have their voice heard by going to Peking the capital and appealed their cases to the emperors by hitting the drum outside of the judicial ministry, after of course their body rolling over the wooden plate with iron nails, a method designed for discouraging frivilous lawsuits. China, A Nation Divided By Buried In Caste System Only in todays China was erected a brand new discriminating caste society that is implemented for political control in human flows as well as economic exploitation. Economic exploitation was via so-called agri-industrial price scissor differential, namely, the peasants would surrender their grains to the government at pre-fixed price. This caste society is crueler than Indian caste or South Africas apartheid in that babies, at birth, are pre-destined to be in same caste of the mother, and no marriage outside of the caste (i. e. peasants) could break the loop. Since peasants dont have means of changing their status quo, they are destined to live in the caste for their life. The possible chances of emancipation would be: 1) joining PLA the army, 2) enrolling in colleges (but sarcastically they mostly dont finish junior high schools). When they left their hometown villages, they would either wind up in the mines where they die in cavein or deliberate setup (by which the mine owners cheat the insurance money out of the deaths), or in the sweatshops where they work for 12-16 hours per day for menial pay, in southern and coastal areas or on Saipan islands. Forever slaves and coolies, they would be termed mang liu, i. e. aimless drifters, and the police could round them up at random and expell them from the cities and towns whenever a clean street is needed for celebrations of the national day and the like. (Nowadays, police treated the roundup of migrant workers, sometimes including visitors, as a form of business operations by extracting custody release fee or forcing the captives into enslavement for earning their train tickets cost.) Mao Tse-tung read history thoughout and he knew exactly how peasants rose in late Ming dynasty and forced last emperor to hang himself inside the forbidden city. The peasant rebels were all homeless and jobless peasants from Shenxi, Shanxi and Henan areas. Mao wanted to make sure that peasants would be pinned to the ground and never get a chance to leave the land again. Besides, Mao wanted to make sure that his government would never shoulder the financial responsibility, like covering the wages, medicare, education and retirement of the peasants. Chinas communist government pay salaries and subsidies to city dwellers, only. It is estimated that Chinas city dwellers, though numbering 20 or less, had taken the stats of 80 in national consumption. Chinas unemployment rate never counted the peasants. Among the census data of about 1.3-1.5 billion Chinese, 70-80 percent of Chinas population are peasants. Note that 20 of the Chinese peasants were unemployed, and thats equivalent to 160-200 million peasants. Southern China is said to be in need of 10 million labor at the present. Right after the Spring Festival of every year, 5.3 million peasant coolies would stream out of Canton train station, and about 100 thousand of them slept on the train station every night. And, this is still Chinas status quo today even though Mao had been dead for 25 years (counting from 1976 to 2001). China, A Nation Void Of Belief, Morality Values There is an ongoing defection of the Chinese compatriots to the West as a result of loss of national and ethnic pride and dignity, with the pursuit of economic betterment certainly the main factor. All walks of people had chosen to flee or leave the country. In early 1990s, a flurry of freight ships, with illegal Chinese immigrants, sailed towards the American coasts. Golden Venture stranded on the beach of Long Island, causing numerous drowned deaths when those illegal immigrants attempted to swim to the shore, and another boat stealthily sailed under the Golden Gate Bridge to dock at Fishermens Wharf, causing a manhunt across the city of San Francisco and ending in surrender of several refugees by the safe haven of a church. To understand how desperate Chinese peasants are, just note that seven coolies. who smuggled out of China, stranded into Iraq during the Easter weekend of year 2004, only to be caught by Iraqi as Japanese hostages. Poverty-stricken families were quoted to have encouraged their children in going far and away, no coming home without a fortune, and marrying an oceanic Western man for goodness sake. It was widely noted that Chinas women had been smuggled across the Straits to Taiwan and Southeast Asia and transported as far as Arabia, Europe and America for prostitution, with Asian women massage advertizings appearing on newspapers across the continental United States metropolitan cities. Quite a proportion of them should be considered voluntarily engaged in this business. Dignity and pride gone notwithstanding, China and Chinese people are suffering unprecedented crisis in belief, morality and values. The go-rich-fast atmosphere of post-Mao commodity society had led to the complete collapse of morality and belief among the Chinese men and women, both inside and outside of China. What a humiliation the Chinese nation and people are imposing on themselves. From: adoptionpaperchase. orgloginGeneral. cfmgotopagegazetteArchive. cfm The main market for smuggled babies probably consists of childless city dwellers, said Yu, the sociologist. In surveys, urban Chinese families, who are more likely to have pensions and other means of support, tend to show a slight preference for girls, believing that they take better care of aging parents. But some are sold to rural families who already have a son but want a daughter to help with the housework others are sold for stranger purposes. Last August, the police in neighboring Guizhou Province arrested four traffickers with seven baby girls who were being sold to be reared as child brides for farmers in remote mountainous regions. Yu added that she had seen documents to suggest that at least some were destined for adoption abroad. In todays China, a land void of morality and values, everything could be for sale, not restricted to women and baby girls. The World Health Organization, in its dealings with communist China on the matter of pregnancy prevention and womens health, had obtained the communist governments shameless acknowledgement that China was in possession of 6 million women engaged in prostitution. (Actual numbers could be much much worse, and those could be ONLINE now. As much as 10 of Chinas gross national product could be related to prostitution. And, Chinas prostitution, no matter for money or for going overseas or for both or for a racial change, had first revived in early 1980s around guesthouse and hotels where foreigners stayed.) Todays Chinese and China is a tragedy in sharp contrast with the Chinese 100 years ago. While there are many similarities between the time periods of late Manchu Dynasty and the degenerating Communist China, one important distinction would be the patriotism and devotion of the Chinese revolutionaries in the early 20th century and the loss of national and ethnic pride and dignity among the Chinese of the 21st century. One century ago, especially after Manchu Qings 1905 abolition of the imperial civil services exam, innumerable talented revolutionaries pursued the overseas studies in Japan and the West, but they had mostly returned for services under Manchu Qings government and the New Army, served as a generation of revolutionaries with progressive thinkings and ideals, and played a pivotal role in the 1911 soldier uprising at Wuchang, Hubei Prov which overthrew the Manchu rule. Concluding this section here, I have no other words to say other than citing Qu Yuans poem: Unrestrained and lengthy being the road ahead, I would search and beseach my way back and forth. On Jan 17th, 2005, reformer Zhao Ziyang, after 15 years of house arrest, passed away. Before his passaway, Zhao Ziyang was said to have commented that there was no cure for China. People who had hoped for a change at this juncture might be disappointed should no significant mourning-related activity or political loosening happen in China. It is understandably so. Note that in history, Chinas dynastic substitution was mostly the results of mutiny or foreign invasion . except for the Yellow Turpans of Eastern Han Dynasty and the Red Turbans of Yuan Dynasty: mutiny applied to Li Zicheng Zhang Xianzhong rebellion in late Ming Dynasty, and the Xin Hai Revolution in late Qing Dynasty, as well as applies to the scenario of the 1927 Communist Revolution against the Nationalist Government hence, one would have to pessimistically expect that the Chinese communists would commit suicide by themselves one way or the other e. g. attacking Taiwan in order to see a revolution similar to the Xin Hai Revolution that had overthrown the Manchu rule in 1911. After we have closely examined the historical context of Chinas reforms from 1979 to 1989, we would understand that in todays China, i. e. year 2005, there will be void of any chance of change. This is because the Enlightened Intelligentsia had been routed since the June 4th, 1989 Masssacre, while no significant regenerating force had ever emerged. The damage to Chinas fortune was many times worse than the abortion of late Manchu-era Hundred Day Reformation at which time incessant foreign invasions had sustained the fighting spirits and martialness of the Chinese people, as seen in Assassinations Uprisings. Chinas fate, i. e. a continuous down-sloping in the context of past 500 years, continues unabated in the same line. Any Chinese technological advancement, no matter the space rockets or atomic bombs, would look pale in comparison with Big-Bang-like accelerating speed of industrialized countries, not to mention the lost spirits among todays Chinese people. There is reason to believe that China is on a very wrong path, and China will have no time for any catch-up work should the current course stay. A word of caution deserves here against the prevalent anticipation of a fast collapse of the Chinese communist regime. Extra vigil must be paid to Chinas ferocious predatory neighbors, far away or near by, for sake of guarding against the likely re-emergence of hundred-year intervals of historical turmoil because China of the 21st century is no longer living in a shielded environment juxtaposed against the predictable nomadic Hunnic, Turkic Mongol invaders any more . Should China disintegrate into one dozen countries now, the same way as Iraq is to divest into three states, China would never have a chance to reunite as a single entity ever. Any structural or system change for China, internally or externally induced, has to be implemented in a rational and balanced way. Chinas future is not a matter to be determined in 10 years or less, but could be up to 100 years, beyond which the uncertainty of its fate and fortune could set in. The essential endeavours should be exerted to the upbringing of a new generation of Chinese patriots with ideals and devotion for the nation. As the ancient Chinese saying goes, it takes 10 years to plant a tree and 100 years to raise a person. Raising a person i. e. an ordinary Chinese person is a task that should be undertaken from ground up inside of China. Only after restoring the baseline of Chinas societal foundation and values which had been destroyed by the communist regime would there be possibility of a resurrected Chinese Nation . Written by Ah Xiang This website expresses the personal opinions of the webmaster (webmasterrepublicanchina. org. webmasterimperialchina. org. webmasteruglychinese. org ). In addition to the webmasters comments, extensive citations and quotes of ancient Chinese classics (available at sinica. edu. twftms-binftmsw3 ) were presented via transcribing and paraphrasing the Classical Chinese language into the English language. Whenever possible, links and URLs are provided to give credit and reference to ideas borrowed elsewhere. This website may be used or reproduced in any form or by any means, with or without the prior written permission, on the pre-condition that an acknowledgement or a reciprocal link is expressively provided. Tous les droits sont réservés. WARNING: Some of the pictures, charts and graphs posted on this website came from copyrighted materials. Citation or usage in the print format or for the financial gain could be subject to fine, penalties or sanctions without the original owners consent. This is an internet version of my writings on Historical China (2004 version assembled by third-millennium-libraryindex. html ), Republican China , and Communist China . There is no set deadline as to the date of completion for Communist China (Someone had saved a copy of my writing on the June 4th 1989 Massacre at scribddoc2538142June-4th-Tiananmen-Massacre-in-Beijing-China ). The work on Historical China will be after Republican China . The current emphasis is on Republican China , now being re-outlined to be inclusive of 1911 to 1955 and divided into volumes covering the periods of pre-1911 to 1919, 1919 to 1928, 1929 to 1937, 1937 to 1945, and 1945-1955. This webmaster plans to make the contents of Republican China 1929-1937, A Complete Untold History into a publication soon. The original plan for completion in year 2007 was delayed as a result of broadening of the timeline to be inclusive of 1911-1955. For up-to-date updates, check the RepublicanChina-pdf. htm page. The objectives of my writings would be i) to re-ignite the patriotic passion of ethnic Chinese overseas ii) to rectify the modern Chinese history to its original truth and iii) to expound the Chinese traditions, humanity, culture and legacy to the world community. Significance of the historical work on this website could probably be made into a parallel to the cognizance of the Chinese revolutionary forerunners of the 1890s: After 250 years of Manchu forgery and repression, the revolutionaries in the late 19th century re-discovered the Manchu slaughters and literary inquisition against the ethnic-Han Chinese via books like Three Rounds Of Slaughter At Jiading In 1645 , Ten Day Massacre At Yangzhou and Jiang Lianqis Dong Hua Lu i. e. Lineage Extermination Against Luu Liuliang Family. It is this Webmasters hope that some future generations of the Chinese patriots, including to-be-awoken sons and grandsons of arch-thieve Chinese Communist rulers who had sought material pursuits in the West, after reflecting on the history of China, would return to China to do something for the goodness of the country. 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